iPhone camera lens

iPhone lens kit

Clip lens kit 7 in 1

9 in 1 lens

with led light

12X zoom lens



Wish I ordered one years ago

Love this it is insanely portable and takes great pictures. Great for places you don’t want to take an SLR or for a hobby photographer.

------ Deionna a.

Great for macros!

Great product, at least for macro. The only lenses I've used and had any interest in were the macro lenses. I've gotten great photos with these lenses.

------ Kevin W

This is an amazing lens kit. I took them on my trip. They helped me got so many unique photos. They are easy to install and convienent to use. Before I want to buy a new iPhone just because I want a better camera, but now with this lens set, I think I can use this old iPhone for a long time! Because I already have a excellent camera!

------ Cecilia L

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